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Alexej Disterhoft

Alexej Disterhoft

DevOps guy, rambling on about stuff.


Reverse-Engineering the MapR Ticket format

··2834 words
Write-up on how to reverse-engineer the MapR ticket format, reconstruct the protobuf definition, and write a simple proof of concept to parse MapR tickets in Python.

sudo with Touch ID in macOS Sonoma

··154 words
For whatever reason, Touch ID approval for sudo commands is not enabled by default in macOS. Fortunately, it’s easy to change that.

Wildcard Let's Encrypt certificates with Traefik and k3s

··925 words
tl;dr. Learn how to use wildcard certificates issued with cert-manager and Let’s Encrypt with K3s and its standard ingress controller Traefik v2 with as little effort as possible.